Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Hello my fellow Fantagians! Due to an increased amount of schoolwork and extra curricular activities, I have been unavailable to keep up with my blogging lately- but I'm back now! Time to sit back, relax, and and catch up with some buddies on Fantage. If you have any recommendations requests for a topic (preferably Fantage related) you would like me to blog about, please send me an email any time at . Do note that I am not always available, but I will try to get back to you as quickly as possible. Love you guys!

- drag0nflyz

Saturday, February 7, 2015

A prayer for pinkstardust, long live Fantage's Queen!

Questions have been in the air about pinkstardust (previous #1 spot in the hall of fame for her very high level) quitting Fantage. civic_princess luckily cleared these questions with a youtube video of hers, claiming that pink's mother has cancer and she's leaving to spend more time with her. If she will ever return, if she actually deactivated or if she simply quit her membership are still unknown. pink, if you ever read this: let me just say that you have been an inspiration to many of us Fantagians for years, and your'e the one responsible for me striving to work harder and level like you do :) . I and many others hope best wishes for you and your'e mother. People said that you were cruel or mean, but when I saw you in the limo last Valentines day you treated me with much kindness and you seem very sweet. In the meantime, congratulations to yara_yara for taking 1st place. Great job, you earned it!

Hey guys :) . Sorry I haven't posted very much (it's been a crazy year!) but I'm about to start posting again c: . Here's an edit of mine for now, check it out! Hope you enjoy.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but here's a picture of suzie785423 and I chilling on our way to the prom in a limo. I'm trying to earn enough tickets for the Moonlight Prom medal, but it's taking forever! Fantage should have had mini games for this event as an alternate way to earn tickets (just saying). Have fun and save up!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Fantage casting call

Hello fellow Fantagians! I'm going to be working on an all new Fantage drama/comedy series to upload on my Youtube account. If your interested, please comment below or message me on Facebook as Royal Fantagian. You must include the following: A picture of your avatar, why you think you should be on my show and why you would want to be on my show. Thanks! ~ User drag0nflyz

Fantage farm

Hello readers! I thought it might be a good idea to discuss farming on Fantage.

Some frequently asked questions are these: When my farm levels up, do I level up too? Do I get more stars back when I harvest my plants than what I payed for them originally? When a friend harvests my plants, do I still get the stars and points from them? Is there any way that I can lock my farm?

Luckily, all the answers are right here in good old Fantage Rhinestones.

When your farm levels up, your avatars over all level goes up as well. When you plant things and than harvest them, it gives you back fifty more stars than what you payed for them AND it gives you points towards leveling up your Fantage farming medal. When a friend harvests your plants for you, unfortunately you don't receive the stars and points towards your farming medal. The only thing that the person who harvested your plants receives is sun energy for helping you, and they can only help you three times per day. Though this is irritating theirs no way to lock your farm from other players, even if you lock your house. As a bonus to this segment, I will mention that if your running out of sun energy (which is needed to start growing your plants) than harvesting from other users farms or waiting for free sun energy to randomly appear on your screen (a ball like shape of light) are good ways to get it without buying the energy using ecoins.

Hope I helped! ~ User drag0nflyz

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Hello readers!

Hello readers! I apologize for not posting in a while (I've been busy with some things) but I will be putting together some new posts soon. Be sure to comment if theirs something on your mind! ~ User drag0nflyz