Thursday, January 30, 2014

New fashion show updates!

Hey there! New fashion show updates were made on Fantage today (yay!). Their offering free items, so get them while you can! (note that the V.I.P items are for members only, but the starters pack is for everyone!)


If your a member on Fantage, be sure to check out the new V.I.P room! It now offers the option to actually try on clothes. But remember that it doesn't stay on you once you leave. The V.I.P room also also has a new feature where you can check out which body guards are available (pretty cool huh?). 

Thanks for reading! ~ User drag0nflyz

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hello There!

Hello fellow Fantagians! Do you  have a special request for what I should post about next? If so, comment below. I will give you credit for the idea. All suggestions are appreciated! ~ User drag0nflyz

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Fantage: Pinkstardust fraud

Hello fellow Fantagians! Today I am here to talk to you about something I discovered about User Pinkstardust online. Apparently she traced from a different picture when she entered a ID Fone contest in the Daily Comet. The evidence is shocking! All regards to Pink for being the highest level member in all of Fantage, but anyone could admit that this was simply wrong and unjust. ~ User drag0nflyz

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Fantage Snowman Showdown

Hey guys! So today I'm going to talk to you about the new event released on Fantage today, Snowman Showdown.

Their are plenty of new items being offer in exchange for tickets you can win playing the game Orion vs. Gizmo. The goal of this game is basically to complete all of the steps as fast as possible, I found that when I did this I received a greater amount of tickets. You can get double the tickets if your a premium member!

 4 of the items already shown in the Ticket Booth are for members only and aren't released yet, but their are 3 things available to players who don't have a membership (Star Bundle, Winter Boots, and the Snowman Showdown Medal). But fortunately their is still a way to get the members only prize items, if you have enough ecoins you can purchase them from the site (see how to get ecoins for free for more details if you don't want to have to buy them).

 Thanks for reading! ~ User drag0nflyz

Want to get a hold of me? Friend me on Facebook as Royal Fantagian, or subscribe to my Youtube channel Royal Fantagian. I would love feed back on my blog and videos, as well as suggestions for things to teach you. I'm also free to  meet you on Fantage, just tell me a server and location that you want to see me in.
Thanks!~ User drag0nflyz

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

How to earn ecoins on Fantage for free

Hey there! Are you a Fantage user looking to cash in on some ecoins? Well here's how. Hope this helps. ~ User drag0nflyz

One of the more common ways to get ecoins off of Fantage is to watch the advertisement videos Fantage offers in exchange for ecoins. You can also spin the wheel on the Daily Spin and sometimes it will give you ecoins if you land on a ecoin section. Personally my favorite way to earn ecoins is by going to and doing surveys or making deals for a significant amount of ecoins. All in all I DEFINITELY don't recommend using any ecoin generators because their illegal and it's likely that most of them are just a joke or will put viruses on your computer. Be safe!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Where to find the pet treats on Fantage

Hey guys! If anyone was wondering where to find the daily pet treats on Fantage, I know where all of them are since I've been playing for so long. Hope this helps! ~ User drag0nflyz

Places you can find pet treats:
  •  The Carnival
  • Mt. Fantage
  • Pet Town
  • The castle
  • The Beach
  • The Forest
  • Wizard's Domain

How to get a wun on Fantage (for girls and for guys.)

Hey their Fantagians!  Many of us are looking for a wun on Fantage. Here are some basic steps to getting a wun. I hope this helps! ~ User drag0nflyz

Step 1: Dress in your best outfit! (nothing too flashy but nothing too bland). Here's an example of what kind of outfit might catch your soon to be wun's attention:

                                                                       For the Girls

Key Points to a Attractive Outfit:
  • Stylish Hair-do
  • Clothes that create shape on your body (as opposed to clothes that don't emphasize any curves)
  • High heels (to help give the appearance of being taller)
  • A board that's smaller and more compact (sometimes bigger boards are simply overwhelming)
  • Matching accessories to go with your outfit  

                                                                           For the Boys

Key Points to a Attractive Outfit:
  •  Stylish hair-do
  • Nice, clean cut clothes. (no girl wants to be with a guy who dresses frumpy!)
  • Something cool to add your personality (for example accessories unique boards etc.)
Step 2: Greet the person your taking interest in as a wun. This is normally a better idea than sending that person a friend request or just talking to them through chat if you already have them in your friends list. Theirs always the chance that they didn't see your message or didn't see you friend request.

 Step 3: Make small talk. This is a great way to get to know the person your interested in!

Step 4: Go on outings. If you want to spend some one on one time with your crush or just have fun,  find some place to be together.


Step 5:  Pop the question!  

 If they say yes, congratulate yourself! Pat yourself on the back for all the hard work you put in. If your rejected, make sure not to take it too harshly. The most important thing of all is to never give up seeking a partner even if you were turned down the first few times.

Fantage Pet Codes

Looking for pet codes? Well look no more! Fantage Rhinestones has them all and ready to share with our fellow Fantagians, enjoy! ~ User: drag0nflyz

Pebbles Family: Starter Egg
Add caption
Mumbo: Low Light + Medim Temp.
Weebo: Medium Light + Warm Temp.
Jimbo: High Light + Medium Temp.
Tombo: Low Light + Cool Temp.
Rumbo: High Light + Cool Temp.

Cosmos Family: Sunshine Egg
Rocki: Low Light + Warm Temp.
Poofi: Medium Light + Warm Temp.
Sparkli: Medium Light + Medium Temp.
Charmi: Low Light + Cool Temp.
Beami: Highest Light + Medium Temp.

Fairies Family: Orange Star Egg
Mylo: Low Light + Medium Temp.
Shylo: Highest Light + Cool Temp.
Lolo: Highest Light + Warm Temp.
Ceelo: Medium Light + Cool Temp.
Halo: High Light + Warm Temp.

Dinos Family: Spotted Egg
Bubu: Medium Light + Cool Temp.
Chloe: Low Light + Cool Temp
Tootsie: Medium Light + Medium Temp.
Bella: High Light Warm Temp.
Bello: Lowest Light + Warm Temp.

Firepuffs Family: Fiery Orange Egg
Scruffie: High Light + Cool Temp.
Punkie: Highest Light + Medium Temp.
Fluffie: Lowest Light + Medium Temp
Pixie: High Light + Warm Temp
Ashie: Low Light + Warm Temp

Cuddlies Family: Olive Egg
Zumi: Lowest Light + Warm Temp.
Feebi: High Light + Medium Temp.
Kiki: High Light + Warm Temp.
Leefi: Medium Light + Cool Temp.
Elli: Lowest Light + Cold Temp.

Jellies Family: Cloudy Skies Egg
Jigglie: Highest Light + Medium Temp.
Bloopie: Low Light + Medium Temp.
Razzle: High Light + Warm Temp.
Peachfuzz: Low Light + Warm Temp.
Goober: Low Light + Cold Temp.

Aeropuffs Family: Purple Madness Egg
Nana: Lowest Light + Cool Temp.
Spinner: Highest Light + Cool Temp.
Flora: Medium Light + Medium Temp.
Turnip: High Light + Cold Temp.
Monko: Lowest Light + Warm Temp.

Barnacles Family: Red Ribbon Egg
Zuzu: Highest Light + Warm Temp.
Jombu: Low Light + Hot Temp.
Miku: Lowest Light + Cool Temp.
Chibu: Highest Light + Cold Temp.
Karu: Highest Light + Hot Temp.

Feathers Family: Secret Lock Egg
Minty: Lowest Light + Medium Temp.
Rakoon: Low Light + Warm Temp.
Lovely: Low Light + Cold Temp.
Puffy: Medium Light + Hot Temp.
Snowball: High Light + Cool Temp.

Frosties Family: Frosty Egg
  Shivers: Warm Temp + Medium Light
 Gilbert: Cold Temp + Medium Light
Wally: Hot Temp + Highest Light Twinkle: Cool Temp + Low light Beeker: Hot Temp + Lowest Light
Ribbons Family: Pointy Ribbon Egg  
Pogo: Medium Temp. + Low Light  
Bobo: Cold Temp. + Low Light
Yoyo: Warm Temp. + Lowest Light
 Rob:  Cool Temp. + Medium Light  
Jojo: Hot Temp. + Low Light