Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How to get a wun on Fantage (for girls and for guys.)

Hey their Fantagians!  Many of us are looking for a wun on Fantage. Here are some basic steps to getting a wun. I hope this helps! ~ User drag0nflyz

Step 1: Dress in your best outfit! (nothing too flashy but nothing too bland). Here's an example of what kind of outfit might catch your soon to be wun's attention:

                                                                       For the Girls

Key Points to a Attractive Outfit:
  • Stylish Hair-do
  • Clothes that create shape on your body (as opposed to clothes that don't emphasize any curves)
  • High heels (to help give the appearance of being taller)
  • A board that's smaller and more compact (sometimes bigger boards are simply overwhelming)
  • Matching accessories to go with your outfit  

                                                                           For the Boys

Key Points to a Attractive Outfit:
  •  Stylish hair-do
  • Nice, clean cut clothes. (no girl wants to be with a guy who dresses frumpy!)
  • Something cool to add your personality (for example accessories unique boards etc.)
Step 2: Greet the person your taking interest in as a wun. This is normally a better idea than sending that person a friend request or just talking to them through chat if you already have them in your friends list. Theirs always the chance that they didn't see your message or didn't see you friend request.

 Step 3: Make small talk. This is a great way to get to know the person your interested in!

Step 4: Go on outings. If you want to spend some one on one time with your crush or just have fun,  find some place to be together.


Step 5:  Pop the question!  

 If they say yes, congratulate yourself! Pat yourself on the back for all the hard work you put in. If your rejected, make sure not to take it too harshly. The most important thing of all is to never give up seeking a partner even if you were turned down the first few times.

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